This class web site is a place for you and your parents to become familiar with this course. It is also meant as a way for all of us to stay up to date on our our classroom community and increase communication through e-mail and the class bulletin board. On the practical side it is a place for you to keep up to date on assignments, get copies of handouts, link to online resources for assignments and publish your own content: papers, projects, etc. Events and Announcements: Last updated on Students should be working diligently towards the completion of their essay which answers the central question: "Am I my brother and sister's keeper? The essay is the final assessment for the Interdisciplinary Unit which incorporate the history of the Holocaust and WWII with the novel "Night" by Elie Wiesel.
Essays are due on Monday March 3.
Be sure to attend next Tuesday's Homework club for help writing your essay.
Late assignments, missing class and tardies will catch up with you. Now is the time to form good study habits. You can start by remembering to attend HOMEWORK CLUB every TUESDAY 3:30-4:30 in rm 101. Parents and Guardians, you should be reviewing and signing your student's Grade Sheet every Monday. This will keep you informed of your child's progress weekly- letting you know what work they have missed as well as their current percentage and letter grade. |