Modern World History
Mr. Munger 10Z
ìBreaking Barriers, Building Bridgesî
Create a Page of History
connect history to your personal life
increase our awareness of self and others in the class
to become more aware of similarities and differences among each other
To do:
Make a list of terms that define your identity
Using the index and table of contents of the Modern World book, list 5
interesting events that are related to your identity
Examples to relate to your identity: Mexico, Central America,
American, Africa, Europe, Latin/South America, Asia, African American,
China, Vietnam, Chinese, Philippines, women, youth, revolutionaries, religion,
language, immigrant, leader, belief system, artist, scientist, historical
figure, war, or refugee to name a few.
From the list of 5, pick one for your History Page (discuss the event with
Mr. Munger)
Read, comprehend, and summarize the topic/event (on loose-leaf)
Look at the textbook for FORMAT design ideas
Design the page (sketch on paper first, than show it to the teacher)
Use CLEAR WHITE PAPER for the final version
Include: (page format)
Important facts, dates, location, etc. Write in your own words!!!
a TOPIC HEADING in bold print
1-2 REVIEW QUESTIONS (you create)
1 ILLUSTRATION: map, picture, graph, chart, etc. (pick one)
Put your name on the back of the project
Thursday/Friday (Block) Preview models, identify 5 events
related to your identity (discuss
w/Mr. Munger), get approval for topic. Research,
design & complete first draft, begin final draft
Tuesday/Wednesday 9/4, 9/5 (Block) Complete
project (donít waste time)
Thursday/Friday 9/6, 9/7 Give a 60 second presentation of your
work. Answer these questions:
What is the topic? Where and when did it happen?
How does it relate to your identity?