10th Grade ÒModern World HistoryÓ
Thurgood Marshall Academic High School\
Course Syllabus: Mr. Munger

E-Mail: nmunger@muse.sfusd.edu
Phone Number: (415) 695-5612 ext. 300
Web Site: https://nmunger.tripod.com/

Overall Goals:

* Take Charge of your future by understanding the historical roots of
modern lifeÕs successes and problems
* Connect history to your personal life
* Consider and pose solutions to current world situations which you will
* Improve your critical thinking, communication skills and study habits
while helping to prepare you for lifelong success in school and beyond.

Daily Activities:

* Journaling / Warm-up activity
* Work and cooperate individually and with groups
* Participate by volunteering and discussing ideas
* Note taking (slides, films, discussions and lectures)


* Be polite and respectful everyday
* Prove preparedness (have an organized binder, text book, planner,
completed homework and be on time)
* Practice positive and appropriate language both verbal and ÒbodyÓ
* Be present and on time

Required Materials (everyday):

* Modern World only three ring binder with 5 dividers
* Loose leaf paper
* Blue or black pen (no red, pink etc.)
* Planner
* Your brain, energy, humor and enthusiasm


* If you are absent (even if it is excused) it is your responsibility to
contact a student in class, or Mr. Munger via phone, e-mail or the
website and get the assignment.
* Assignments are due your first day back at Marshall after an absence.
* Late assignments lose 10% a day and will not
be accepted after the next homework center.

Communication and Grade sheets:

* Each Monday Students will complete a grade sheet, recording all assignments and points recieved for each assignment
* Students must then take the gradesheet home to be signed by parent or guardian
* Parents may reach Mr. Munger a anytime by e-mail or phone


Quarter Grading Formula:
A+ = 98.0% or more                            A- = 90.0-92.0% A- =
B+ = 88.0-89.99                                  B- = 80.0-82.0% B- =
C+ = 78.0-79.99%                               C- = 70.0-72.0% C- =
D+ = 68-69.99%                                 D- = 60.0-62.0
F = 59.99% and lower

10x Family Rules:

1. Respect yourself, your classmates and your teachers.
2. Do not detract from your own learning or the learning of others
3. Be prepared for class: on time, with assignments, materials & planner
4. No cussing or slurs allowed
5. 10 / 10 rule

Gradesheets: All family teachers in 10x will use grade-sheets.  Gradesheets will be updated by students and teachers every Monday.  Students must have them
signed by parents and returned on the next class day.  Teachers will maintain an assignment log on the wall.

Late Assignments: Late assignments are due by the end of the next homework club or they are worth 0 points.  All assignments lose 10% each day they are
late. Students have 5 late ticket exceptions.  Late tickets allow students to receive full earned credit on late assignments.  Late tickets from other teachers will not
be accepted

Late ticket / Bathroom Passes: Each student will receive a page in each family class with five bathroom passes and five late tickets (one per grading period and 2
at large) per family class.  Tickets/Passes from other teachers will not be accepted.

Tardy Policy: Family 10X will enforce the TMAHS school-wide tardy policy

Absences: In order to receive credit for homework / tests / quizzes that were assigned or due on a day when a student is absent, that absence must be excused.
After an absence, any assignments are due the fist day a student returns.  Otherwise, assignments are subject to the late assignment policy.

Agendas/Planners: Agendas and homework will be posted daily. Family 10x teachers will check that all students have written the day’s assignment in their
planner before they are allowed to leave class.

Academic Honesty: Family teachers will not allow copying of homework for ANY class in their room.  Students will not be allowed to talk during tests or
quizzes.  Students who do will have their tests confiscated and receive a zero for the test.  Copying, plagiarism, academic theft or dishonesty in family classes
will be handled according to the following schedule.

1. First Offense: All students involved will receive a zero on the assignment in question (0/0 policy), and the information will be shared with family members
and recorded.

2. Second Offense in any family class: 0/0 policy,  letter will be sent home, and student(s) involved will be referred to the dean.

3. Third Offense in any family class: In addition to the consequences for the second offense, student(s) involved will have their quarter grade dropped one
whole letter grade.

I have read and understood this syllabus and the family 10X common policies. I have absolutely no questions at
this time about the expectations of the instructor. I understand the daily
requirements, activities and grading policy. (Detach and return to Mr.

____________________   _____________________      ______________________   ______________________


Parent Phone#_____________________________ Parents  E-mail______________________________