Historical, Cultural and Political Legacy of the Middle East


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In this unit students will examine the religious, cultural and political history of the Middle East, focusing on the wide reaching influence of the region on world history and current events, guided by the central question:

Mr. Munger's "Modern World" Class Page

Can We Overcome Our Differences?

Unit Assignments

Assignment #1

Vocabulary #2- Due 9/26, 9/27

Quiz Monday 9/30

Define and Use in a Sentence:
culture; prophet; monotheism; deity; covenant; sacred; rituals; profess; sect

Assignment #2

Middle East Postcard: Classwork- 9/24, 9/25

Assignment #3

Middle East map: Classwork 9/26, 9/27

Assignment #4

Chapter 35, section 2: Due 9/30
Answer:1b, 2d, 3a,b, 4, 5, 6a,b

Assignment #5

Newsflash #2: Due 10/7/02
Complete your newsflash using an article about a country in the Middle East. Use the Rubric!

Newsflash Rubric (click here)

Assignment #6
Complete Rise of Islam Worksheet

Rise of Islam Worksheet (click here)

Assignment #7

Vocabulary #3:
Definitions and Sentences Due 10/9, 10/10
Quiz 10/15, 10/16

Diaspora, Zionism, Palestine, Israel, Intifada, Occupied, Liberation, Refugee

Use the glossary and index of your textbook to help you find these words

Read handout / Answer questions on the history of the Palestinian/Isreali conflict

Due 10/15, 10/16

Assignment #8

Binder Collection #2

Due Thursday/Friday 10/24, 10/25

Newsflash #3, Topic: Middle East

Due Monday 10/28

Newsflash Rubric (click here)

"People of the Book"

Dome of the Rock

The Middle East is the cradle of three of the world's oldest and most widespread religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Often sites, such as the one occupied by the Dome of the Rock (pictured) hold deep religious significance for all three religions. Furthermore, not only are all three of these religions monotheistic, but they all profess faith in the same God. So, why do so many and such violent divisions exist between them?

California Standards

Standard 10.9.6
Understand the significance and effects of the location and establishment of Israel on world affairs.

Standard 10.10.1
Understand the challenges in the Middle East including its geopolitical, cultural, military and economic significance and the international relationships in which it is involved.

Describe the recent history of the region, including political divisions and systems, key leaders, religious issues, natural features, resources, and population patterns

Discuss the important trends in the region today and whether they appear to serve the cause of individual freedom and democracy