

Projects | Student Work Showcase | Tardy Policy | Syllabus | Meet Your Teacher | Assignments | Handouts | Class Bulletin Board | Newsflash | Middle East Unit | WWII/Holocaust | China Unit

On this page you will find information needed for this course's assignments, such as due-dates and instructions. You will also find explanations of homework policies and extra credit assignments.

10X Late-work policy

All late assignments are due by the end of the next homework club. Late assignments WILL NOT be accepted after this deadline. Homework assigned or due while you were absent will not be accepted unless that absence is officially excused.

Mr. Munger's "Modern World" Class Page

Assignments (Q1 First Semester)

(9/23-today) Mid East Unit assignments - click here

Assignment Date: 9/17, 9/18

Newsflash #1

"Newsflash" Current Events

Assignment Date: 9/16/02

Study for Unit Test on Tuesday/Wednesday

Unit #1 Review Sheet(click here)

Assignment Date: 9/12, 9/13

Vocabulary: Define and use the following words in a sentence (the sentence must show you understand the meaning of the word).

Archaeologist, Anthropologist, Humanity, Artifact, Interpret, Primary Source, Secondary Source

Assignment Date: 9/10, 9/11

Read and "Chunk" the essay: "Why Study History" (see handouts)

Assignment Date: 9/5, 9/6/02

Directions for Page of History (click here)

Assignment Date: 9/3, 9/4/2002

Part 1: Grade Sheet signed, Part 2: Binder Check- must have World History only binder (at least 1") with five dividers, and all assignments, agendas and warm ups in place and up to date.

Assignment Date:8/29, 8/30

Part 1: Notes on the Ten Themes of History, Part 2: Bring in a Magazine. Both are due 9/3, 9/4

Assignment Date: 8/27/02

Syllabus Scavenger Hunt: Use your syllabus to answer the questions. Due 8/28/02

Assignment Date 8/26/02

Syllabus Signed by Parent or Guardian and Student, Due 8/27/02

E-mail Mr. M (click here)

On-going Extra Credit

Publish your Page of History on the Web

Make your page of history into a web-site. Follow the same directions as the paper version. Try for ideas. This assignment is worth one homework grade.

Make a 10 themes of History Web-page

Create a web-page with the definitions for each of the ten themes of history found in the text "World History: Perspectives on the Past" to add to our class home-page. This is worth one homework grade.